Today I sat on the bench in my back yard...
Htjela sam poslikati ptićice kako jedu kruh koji je mama postavila baš za njih na marelicu...
Nažalost sve što sam uspjela poslikati je ovo....
I wanted to take some pics of the birts eating bread that my mother set up on the apricot tree just for them...
Unfortunately all I managed to shoot are these...
Samo su one htjele stajati mirno. :-) No, ipak mi se nekoliko ptićica smilovalo, pogledajte koje.
Only they wanted to stay still. :-) Eventualy I managed to shoot some of the real birdies.
Mislim da je i moja maca bila zainteresirana za njih.
I think that my kitty shared the interest for birdies.
Baš su divne fotkice <3