This sauce I have learned to make in Austria. We have lots of strawberries in our garden and sometimes we cant eat them all. So i decided to make this sauce and freeze it. It turned out that this method is very good. Sauce have the same taste as the day it was frozen. The rum and sugar must have something whit that...
Preljev najviše koristim za sladoled a može se koristiti za preljevanje cheesecakea ili slaganje u čaše sa nekom laganom kremom. Tako će te dobiti lijepi kontrast boja. Preljev možete i prokuhati pa zgusnuti s malo gustina i iskoristiti kao jedan sloj u torti. Mislim da su mogučnosti bezbrojne, samo upotrijebite maštu.
Sve sastojeke u receptu stavite u blender i miksajte nekoliko sekundi. Mjere u receptu su "odokativne", što znači da ako volite slađe, stavite više šećera, ako želite da bude malo "jači", stavite više ruma.
I use this sauce mostly to top the ice cream that i love so much. Simple vanilla ice cream become rich and luxurious dessert. You can also use it to top the cheesecake or put it in the glasses whit some light cream. The sauce can be thickened whit some starch and used as a layer in cake. I think that the possibilities are numerous, just use your imagination.
Strawberry sauce
for about 1 1/2 cup:
10 strawberries
2 tbs sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbs dark rum
Put all ingredients in blender and mix for few seconds. Taste, an add more sugar or rum if you like.
Svidja mi se ovaj sos. Odlican bi bio za sladoled... :)
OdgovoriIzbrišijagode i rum??interesantno!
OdgovoriIzbrišiovo je stvarno odlična ideja! ja rum u pravilu volim svugdje :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiizgleda baš dobro!